Welcome to the Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society Membership Page. Join our esteemed community of dedicated professionals and gain access to a wealth of valuable resources, networking opportunities, and unwavering support to thrive in the dynamic field of immigration assistance.

Becoming a member

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with our Code of Professional Ethics 

Before embarking on your journey as a member of VILAS, take a moment to acquaint yourself with our Code of Professional Ethics. This document outlines the principles and standards that underpin the conduct and integrity of all our members. 

Step 2: Select Your Membership Type We offer two distinct membership types, each tailored to cater to your level of involvement: 

  1. Associate Members: These individuals are invited and approved by our society's leadership and associate members. Associate members actively participate in our society's decision-making and voting processes, playing a pivotal role in shaping our community.
  2. Registered Members: If you're seeking access to a plethora of resources, and networking opportunities without active participation in decision-making or voting, this membership type is ideal for you.

Membership Requirements and Application Process 
To ensure the quality and professionalism of our community, we've outlined specific requirements for each membership type:

For Associate Members

  • Demonstrated professional involvement in a related field.
  • Invitation and approval by existing Associate members and the society's leadership.
  • Active participation in society activities and decision-making processes.

 For Registered Members

  • Enrolment in immigration-related courses.
  • Possession of a Diploma in Immigration Assistant from a recognized college in Canada.
  • Completion of 100 hours or more of practicum training.
  • Commitment to abide by the Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society's CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS

Code of Professional Ethics

At the Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society, our members adhere to a strict Code of Professional Ethics. This code outlines the principles and standards that guide our members' conduct, ensuring the highest level of professionalism and integrity in their practice.

1. Professional Conduct and Integrity:

1.1 Members of VILAS shall conduct themselves with honesty, integrity, and professionalism in all aspects of their work.

1.2 Members shall respect the rights and dignity of clients, colleagues, and all individuals involved in the immigration process.

1.3 Members shall maintain client confidentiality and protect privileged information, adhering to the applicable laws and professional standards.

2. Competence and Continuing Professional Development:

2.1 Members shall strive for excellence and maintain a high level of competence in their work.

2.2 Members shall stay informed about changes in immigration laws, regulations, and procedures to provide accurate and up-to-date assistance to clients.

2.3 Members should actively pursue professional development opportunities to enhance their knowledge, skills, and understanding of immigration law.

3. Conflict of Interest:

3.1 Members shall avoid conflicts of interest and act in the best interests of their clients.

3.2 Members shall disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest and refrain from engaging in activities that could compromise their professional independence and impartiality.

4. Professional Responsibility:

4.1 Members shall exercise due diligence, diligence, and thoroughness in the provision of immigration legal assistance.

4.2 Members shall maintain appropriate records, documentation, and file management systems to ensure accuracy and accessibility of client information.

4.3 Members shall assist clients in accessing appropriate legal advice by encouraging them to consult with Canadian licensed immigration consultants or lawyers. Members should inform clients of the importance of seeking professional advice and the potential risks and consequences associated with their immigration matters. Members themselves, as legal immigration assistants, should not provide legal advice beyond the scope of their role and should always defer to Canadian licensed immigration consultants or lawyers for legal guidance.

5. Professional Relationships:

5.1 Members shall foster professional relationships based on respect, courtesy, and collaboration with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders in the immigration process.

5.2 Members shall not engage in any discriminatory practices or behaviors based on race, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristics.

6. Professional Development and Ethical Responsibilities:

6.1 Members shall commit to ongoing professional development to enhance their knowledge, skills, and competence. They should seek opportunities for learning and improvement throughout their careers.

6.2 Reporting Ethical Violations:

6.2.1 Members have a duty to report any observed or suspected violations of this Code by fellow members. Reports should be made to the Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society, which will investigate and take appropriate disciplinary actions when necessary.

6.3 Disciplinary Actions:

6.3.1 Members found to have violated this Code may be subject to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to warnings, reprimands, suspension, or revocation of membership. The Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society shall ensure due process and fairness in disciplinary proceedings.

7. Liability and Indemnification:

7.1 The Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society shall not be held liable for any legal actions brought against individual members in their personal capacity.

7.2 Members shall understand and acknowledge that the Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society is not responsible for any legal or financial liabilities incurred by members in their personal or professional activities outside the scope of the society's activities.

7.3 Members shall indemnify and hold the Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising out of their personal or professional actions, including actions directly related to the society's activities or within the scope of their roles within the society.

(Version: Vilas-cod-ver1.0-2308)

Application Process

  1. Complete the Online Membership Application Form, clearly indicating your desired membership type.
  2. Review Process:
    • Associate Members: Your application will undergo a thorough review by our society's leadership and active members.
    • Registered Members: Your application will be carefully evaluated by our society's leadership.
  3. Expect Notification: You will receive prompt notification regarding the status of your application, keeping you informed at every step.

Annual Membership Fee

Annual $150 CAD plus tax

The annual membership fee is a valuable contribution that ensures the smooth administration of our society's activities and initiatives. 

Please note that membership fees are utilized for society administration purposes only.

Member Database and Referral 

When you become a member of VILAS, your name and contact information will be securely stored in our society's database. This database allows us to connect potential clients, lawyers, or immigration consultants seeking assistance with the most suitable and qualified member to address their needs.

Membership Certificate
Upon successfully registering as a member, you will receive a prestigious Membership Certificate recognizing your commitment to professionalism and ethical conduct in the field of immigration assistance.

Eligibility and Membership Requirements

Membership in VILAS is open to Canadian citizens who are at least 18 years old and hold an Immigration assistant diploma from a recognized college in Canada. This requirement ensures that our community consists of individuals with a solid foundation in immigration law.

At VILAS, we're committed to nurturing a community of dedicated professionals who are passionate about immigration assistance. Are you ready to take your place among our esteemed members and embark on a journey of growth, collaboration, and excellence?