Article 1: Name  

1.1 The name of the society shall be the Vancouver Immigration Legal Assistant Society, hereinafter referred to as "VILAS". 

Article 2: Purpose  

2.1 The purpose of VILAS is to promote the professional development, competence, and ethical conduct of immigration legal assistants in Vancouver, British Columbia. 

2.2 VILAS aims to provide a platform for members to share knowledge, enhance skills, and foster collaboration within the immigration legal assistant community. 

Article 3: Membership  

3.1 Eligibility: Membership in VILAS is open to individuals who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, have completed a relevant course in Canadian immigration law or a related field, and hold a diploma demonstrating their qualifications. 

3.2 Application: Prospective members shall submit a completed membership application form and provide evidence of their course completion and diploma or certificate. They shall also pay the prescribed membership fees as determined by VILAS. 

3.3 Rights and Privileges: Members shall enjoy the rights and privileges granted by VILAS, including access to educational resources, networking events, and participation in society activities. 

3.4 Termination of Membership: Membership in VILAS may be terminated upon resignation, failure to meet membership requirements, or disciplinary action as outlined in the society's bylaws. 

Article 4: Executive Committee  

4.1 Composition: VILAS shall be governed by an Executive Committee comprised of elected members, including a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and additional executive positions as determined by the society. 

4.2 Duties and Responsibilities: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for managing the affairs of VILAS, organizing events and activities, maintaining financial records, and representing the society in external matters. 

4.3 Elections: The Executive Committee members shall be elected through a democratic voting process at the Annual General Meeting. The term of office for each position shall be determined by the society's bylaws. 

4.4 Meetings: The Executive Committee shall meet regularly to discuss society matters, make decisions, and ensure the effective functioning of VILAS. 

Article 5: Meetings  

5.1 Annual General Meeting: VILAS shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at least once a year. The AGM serves to report on the society's activities, elect the Executive Committee, and allow members to express their views. 

5.2 Special General Meetings: Special General Meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or upon a written request by a significant number of VILAS members. The purpose of such meetings shall be clearly stated in the notice provided to members. 

5.3 Notice: Adequate notice of all meetings shall be given to VILAS members, including the date, time, location, and agenda. 

Article 6: Amendments  

6.1 Constitution: Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by written request from a significant number of VILAS members. 

6.2 Approval: Proposed amendments shall be presented to members at a General Meeting and require a two-thirds majority vote for approval. 

6.3 Bylaws: VILAS may establish bylaws to provide detailed guidelines on specific matters not covered in this constitution. Bylaws may be amended by the Executive Committee, subject to approval by a majority vote at a General Meeting. 

Article 7: Dissolution  

7.1 Dissolution of VILAS may occur if approved by a two-thirds majority vote at a Special General Meeting called specifically for this purpose. 

7.2 Upon dissolution, any remaining assets of VILAS shall be distributed to one or more organizations with similar objectives as determined by the Executive Committee and approved at the Special General Meeting.

(Version: Vilas-con-ver1.0-2308)